At the award ceremony of the 42nd Festival of Monodrama and Mime at Theatre Carte Blanche, the following awards were given:

“Maja Dimitrijević“ Golden Medal Award for Best Monodrama
Ozren Grabarić “Diary of a Madman”

Golden Medal Award for Best Mime
Wong Ting Pong, Tsui Ka Lok “24h Restricted Area”

“Ljuba Moljac-Miodrag Andrić“ Award for Best Young Actor
Jelena Puzić “Olly Olly Oxen Free”
Marija Đajić “The Day of Setting the Record Straight“

The Expert Jury was composed of Nebojša Milovanović, drama artist, President of the Expert Jury, Olga Odanović, actress and Krunislav Simić, choreographer.

Siniša Dašić Golden Medal Audience Award
Ozren Grabarić “Diary of a Madman”

The Audience Jury was comprised of Ratomir Janković, President of the Audience Jury, Elizabeta Arsenović, Vesna Klepić, Brana Marković and Nenad Hegediš.

After the announcements, Predrag Miletić, President of the Programme Council, declared the 42nd Festival of Monodrama and Mime closed.

Decision of the Expert Jury – Monodrama

The Jury decided to unanimously award the Golden Medal Award for Best Monodrama to the play “Diary of a Madman”, performed by artist Ozren Grabarić.
Ozren Grabarić, devoid of the temporal and worldy in his role, by virtue of his exceptional, masterful, and poignant performance excells and brings the genre to a whole new level.
He lives, breathes and sings his part created by the composer, scenographer and director Marjan Nećak, and by means of his performance becomes the conductor playing his part by intuitively feeling the pulse of the audience pulled by his performance into an otherwordly state. The madman and the psychodelic music become one, and then in a sublime game of questions and answers makes the viewer ponder over his own life.
This stage performance transcend the bounds of the festival and that of monodrama, and brings joy and hope for the theatre.

Decision of the Expert Jury – Pantomime

The Jury unanimously decided to award the Golden Medal Award for Pantomime to pantomime act “24h Restricted Area”, by artists Wong Ting Pok and Tsui Ka Lok. They managed to unite all necessary elements of pantomime by following the modern conventions in pantomime.

Decision of the Expert Jury – Miodrag Antić – Ljuba Moljac

The Jury has unanimously decided to award the “Ljuba Moljac - Miodrag Andrić“ Award for Best Young Actor to two equally good actresses, Jelena Puzić for her performance in “Olly Olly Oxen Free” and to Marija Đajić for her performance in “The Day of Setting the Record Straight”.

What these two young actresses have in common is the bold choice of topic, which comes as an inspiration to the audience. This is why we would like for them to be even more bold, audacious and free in their next projects in order to fully express the potential they both have.

Decision of the Audience Jury

After carefully observing all the plays performed at the 42nd Festival of Monodrama and Mime, as well as the reactions of the audience, the Jury came to the conclusion that the Festival was organized with the highest professional and artistic criteria in mind, the selected plays have left a deep impression not only on the Jury but on the audience as well, which enjoyed and attentively watched the plays. Even though it was very hard to make a decision which play deserved to be pronounced the best, the Jury unanimously decided to give the “Siniša Dačić“ Golden Medal Audience Award to Ozren Grabarić for his performance in the monodrama “Diary of a Madman”.